Feel Productive with the “Million-Dollar” Day Method

What is the Million-Dollar Day method? In short, it’s a to do list of all the things that you have put off doing.

To create your Million-Dollar Day list, write down all of the things that you have put off. For example, sharpening the blades on your lawnmower, assembling the toolchest that you bought but didn’t get around to using, clearing your rain gutters so water can flow, or replacing all of the fire alarm batteries to stop the chirps that you don’t even hear anymore.

Next to each of the items, write down how long you have put the tasks off for. And if you would like, prioritize the items by delayed date. Some people find it very satisfying to knock out the oldest tasks first. It’s up to you which task(s) you want to do first. Keep in mind that the items on this list should not be tasks that are part of your daily or weekly to-do’s. These are tasks that have been put off and forgotten.

When you complete each task, and check them off your “Million-Dollar Day” list, you will feel a great sense of accomplisment, and you can add up the times you have delayed these activities. You have just won back all that time, in one day. It’s a great feeling.

Try it out for yourself, and see how it goes.